Biggest Fears of Retirement – “Feeling Lonely”



Loneliness is another problem you may face as you increase in age. It is common for many to feel unwanted or unloved. You might also feel lonely because you’re physically distant from your social group. We as humans, yearn for meaningful relationships and social connections. People who are lonely decline faster in mental health than those who have more social relationships. When you feel a part of something, and you see that you mean something to others, it’ll help you succeed in having a more positive life. We need to interact with people, especially the ones in our lives who love us. Not to say that living alone will always lead to loneliness, neither does living with others guarantee happiness. You can keep your independence as you age while still developing solid social connections. But if you are feeling lonely here are a few things that can help…

Tackling loneliness

Stay connected – Spend time with and stay connected to family and grandchildren. Especially if you have mobility issues, keeping people around can lift your spirit. Preserve relationships you have already established. Get in touch with old friends you have lost contact with and build up stronger relationships with the people who live close to you. Joining social sites that are designed to help you keep up family and friends could be something you may want to look into as well. Get out more, go where people are. Even going out to run errands, can help you feel more connected.

Explore new hobbies – Embrace your freedom the best you can, take up a new hobby, spend time doing things you enjoy doing instead of only what you must do. You can join a book club, learn to play an instrument or sign up for an art class

It doesn’t matter so much what it is you do to keep yourself entertained but what is most important are the connections and friendships you’ll make while doing the things you love.

Get a pet – Dogs and cats are known to help with loneliness. They are able to provide a solid companionship. They can also display a variety of human-like behaviors. A dog can show you their love by jumping into your lap and embracing you. Pets can force you to participate in some healthy activities that can improve your feelings of being alone. For instance, getting you to go outdoors and get some exercise

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