Non-Medical Home Care
Non-medical home care is defined as routine on-going care or services required by the consumer in a residence or independent living environment that enables the consumer to engage in the activities of daily living or to perform the physical functions required for independent living, including respite services. The term usually encompasses the full spectrum of personal care, homemaking and companionship services. It is important to note that medication administration is not within the scope of non-medical home care agencies.
Qualifications for Non-Medical Home Care
The elderly, as well as, young adults suffering from infirmities due to chronic illnesses, or those recovering from surgical procedures in need of a caregiver for help with daily activities. HHC will accept a consumer based on the reasonable expectation that the needs can be met adequately in the consumer’s home or place of residence.
Quick Support
24 / 7 Overnight Care?
We can supply you with overnight care. With overnight care, a caregiver comes by the house to provide a few hours of care before bed and in the morning. In addition to providing homemaking and companionship services, overnight caregivers can provide a number of personal care services.
Do We Help With Exercise?
Help Home Care can help with walking as an exercise. This exercise contributes to the maintenance of your health, boost energy, and improve your mood. Help Home Care can help incorporate this physical activity into your life and help you begin your journey to a healthier lifestyle.
Can I choose my own caregiver?
Yes, you may choose a family member, friend, or our Agency will provide you with a qualified caregiver. All care will be diligently monitored by a Supervisor from our Agency to ensure the quality care you deserve.
How do I pay for Home Care services?
We accept payment from Private Insurance or Private Pay. Some insurers may limit the number
and type of home care visits they will pay for and may require precertification.
Are caregivers allowed to drive clients?
Because of insurance, Help Home Care employees are not allowed to drive a client anywhere without special arrangement with the Agency to do so. Employees may ride with patient in prearranged transport or on public transit with the approval from Help Home Care.